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  • Writer's pictureErin Nicole

Shameless Self-Promotion Post

I sell myself so badly. I am no Vivian Ward, that is for sure. I'm just not good at marketing my book, soon to be books. And I do hope that changes eventually. Right now I'm doing some research (googling) on how effective Facebook ads really are, so that will be covered in a few other future posts.

Down below are some interview links that give you a little bit more information about me and who I am as an author. As well as some links that provide you with reviews of my first book Podunk Moon so you are able to see what others have thought of it. And thrown in is a link to Podunk Moon on Amazon, and a list of potential books that will, God willing, continue to grow.

Although Podunk Moon is no longer free via regular eBook. If you have the Kindle Unlimited subscription it is always free.



Interviewed by a mum/granny, blogger, and baker Fiona McVie

August 14th, 2017

Most interesting or surprising questions asked on authorsinterviews~My interviews with many authors:

Fiona: What do you want written on your head stone?

Me: Winter Came

Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

Me: I think I’ve always considered myself a writer, even before having anything published.


Interviewed by writer, novelist, editor, and blogger Edward Anthony

Augusts 13th, 2017

Most interesting or surprising questions asked on Literature Lounge:

Edward: Which is more challenging to write? A novel or poetry?

Me: I do feel that a novel is more challenging, at least it has been for me, because as I’ve said I like to stick it in a drawer for a while. If only it was as easy as putting three hundred sheets of blank paper into a drawer for a few months to “cook” so I could simply pull out a finished book.


Website Reviews

Readers' Favorite

February 24th 2018

Marie-Hélène Fasquel did an excellent job providing me with wonderful insight relating to my poems in an analytical way, as she is a teacher of American literature. And getting feedback from a teacher is always exciting.

Personal Favorite Snippet from the Book Review:

"Indeed the poems are deep, clever, and help you ponder what life is all about...Understatements, allusions, and rhymes all make this stanza stand out and make it even more powerful."


The Book Review Directory


Unknown Reviewer dove into my writing and left me feeling like I hit the mark in terms of creating an atmospheric written down life.

Personal Favorite Snippet from the Book Review:

"The artistic vision of capturing pain and awkward yearning is effective, and together the poems and story excerpt creates an emotionally evocative picture of the struggles some experience as part of being alive."


Blog Reviews

"The Anxious Believer~News and Things"

April 13th 2018

Leila Tualla posted a lovely post in her blog about my book, with many keen observations that I appreciated she picked up on.

Personal Favorite Snippet from the article "Review: Podunk Moon: an Anthology by Erin Geil":

"A journal of life lived told in poetry. It was beautiful and a reminder of that naivete and ambition that comes in your 20s.....before life hands you experiences that you hope won't turn you bitter in your 30s."


College Newspaper Reviews

Ohio State: The Lantern

July 13th 2018

Kevin Keaton made me think differently about my own book and let me experience how he witnessed it, which I loved.

Personal Favorite Snippet from the article "'Podunk Moon' Book Review":

"There is something of a trend among them where Geil skillfully swaps the effects of spatial and temporal changes to induce estrangement."


University of Kansas: The University Daily Kansan

July 19th 2018

Jaya Chakka really tackled a few bits of my excerpt from The Great American along with the poetry and I was doubly pleased and impressed.

Personal Favorite Snippet from the article "'Podunk Moon' paints a compelling picture of the trials of young adulthood":

"She manages to instill a sense of darkness in many of the poems that feels genuine and unsettling rather than feignedly "edgy."


West Liberty University: The Trumpet

August 3rd, 2018

Gabrielle Blanchard had so many interesting things to say that I've stuck a few of them together.

Personal Favorite Snippet from the article "Erin Geil's "Podunk Moon" Takes Readers On An Emotional Journey:

"The emotions are powerful as Geil uses her talent for word choice to paint pictures with every emotionally-driven poem that she writes. Every word, every line, comes from her heart and it shows....There is power in the darkness Geil has chosen to shed a light upon....It’s dark and messy, but it’s real."


Gettysburg College: The Gettysburgian

August 30th 2018

Katherine Lentz did an amazing job reviewing my book. *I was asked to send a picture of me holding the book, and I didn't have one so I had to be quick about it and sent this unflattering one, wahh-wahhh.*

Personal Favorite Snippet from the article "Review: 'Podunk Moon' by Erin Geil":

"‘Podunk Moon’ is a satisfying read, filled with expressive and well-written poetry. However, the major appeal of this book comes from the way it was formatted; the reverse chronological order allows the reader to see how an experienced writer began as an intense and open inexperienced writer. Seeing the transformation was as fascinating as the poems themselves." Katherine Lentz


Since it's against the rules to include Amazon reviews on here. I will leave the link to the book where the reviews decidedly live at *shortened it with bitly or it would be super long. :)


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